How You Can Help!
The Enchanted Forest Wildlife Rescue of Kentucky and the Enchanted Forest Wildlife Rescue of Indiana are both 501(c)3 nonprofits. This means we depend on donations.
Great news is, that these donations are tax deductible!

Click Here to Donate to EFWR of KY, Inc.

Click Here to Donate to EFWR of Indiana, Inc.

In-kind donations are also tax-deductible! To make this as convenient as possible, we have compiled an Amazon wish-list of some much-needed supplies. Just simply select to which one you would like your in-kind order to go to! THE ANIMALS THANK YOU!!

We also accept donations of gently used blankets, pet supplies, medical supplies, animal food, raw meat and vegetables, etc. Holding a donation drive is a great way for people of all ages to get involved and help wildlife! For help with this, feel free to call us at 859-809-3397 or email at info@enchantedforestwildlife.org
Be sure to give us plenty of details and which branch you are interested in donating.